Preliminary Exploration Target Completed At Ruby Hill And Lac Lessard
TORONTO - Eastmain Resources Inc. has completed preliminary targeting exploration programs on its wholly-owned Eastmain Mine, Ruby Hill East and Lac Lessard projects located in James Bay, Quebec.
The key objectives at Eastmain Mine and Ruby Hill East were to explore for additional gold resources lateral to the Eastmain Gold Deposit and to search for a repetition of the mine horizon on the adjacent Ruby Hill East claim block. The program at Lac Lessard was focused on evaluating Platinum Group Metal (PGM) potential previously reported on this property. Assays are pending for all projects.
The Eastmain Mine property contains a high-grade gold deposit, with ramp access to underground workings, and surface infrastructure sufficient to house a sixty-person work force, all of which is now accessible by permanent road via Route 167 North. Regional geological mapping and prospecting completed northwest of, and lateral to the gold deposit, has identified a number of gold occurrences situated within the “mine corridor”, as defined by a regional magnetic high reflecting an ultramafic marker unit.
The adjacent Ruby Hill East claim block covers what has been interpreted as a repetition of the mine horizon. This claim block straddles a regional break in volcanism where mafic volcanic rocks containing chert and sulfide iron formation lie in contact with felsic volcanics containing disseminated sulfides at or near the contact. Airborne geophysical surveys have defined two regional conductive horizons; one located within the mafic volcanic formation, and the second trend coinciding with the mafic/felsic contact. A major structural corridor, interpreted through detailed magnetic surveys, coincides with this bimodal volcanic sequence.
2014 preliminary field work over the properties generated 326 rock samples and 1495 soil samples. Assay data is pending.
Lac Lessard is located 15 kms northeast of the Eastmain mine site and is prospective for PGMs. The property is underlain by a kilometric-scale ultramafic complex, principally composed of pyroxenite. In 2013 the property was surveyed using a combined airborne magnetic and electromagnetic VTEM system. A number of high-priority VTEM anomalies were identified and recommended for follow-up. Preliminary 2014 field work consisted of reconnaissance prospecting, soil geochemical sampling and geological targeting. Assay data is pending for 235 rock samples and 181 soil samples.
Geological modeling and interpretation of the Eau Claire gold deposit, which will form the basis of an updated resource estimate, continues.